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File Type:Crysis saved game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension used by Crysis game for saved games.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.


Earth, 2019.

A team of US scientists makes a frightening discovery on an island in the South China Sea. All contact with the team is lost when the North Korean Government quickly seals off the area.

The US responds by dispatching an elite team of Delta Force Operators to recon the situation. As tension rises between the two nations, a massive alien ship reveals itself in the middle of the island. The ship generates an immense force sphere that freezes a vast portion of the island and drastically alters the global weather system.

Now the US and North Korea must join forces to battle the alien menace. With hope rapidly fading, you must fight epic battles through tropical jungle, frozen landscapes, and finally into the heart of the alien ship itself for the ultimate Zero G showdown.

From the makers of Far Cry, Crysis offers FPS fans the best-looking, most highly-evolving gameplay, requiring the player to use adaptive tactics and total customization of weapons and armor to survive in dynamic, hostile environments including Zero-G.


* A unique three-act structure forces the player to use real-time armor and weapons customization to adapt constantly to an ever-changing world.

* Encounter a frightening and totally original alien species?they use their senses intelligently and work together to present the most challenging enemy yet in an FPS.

* Control of a variety of land, sea, and air vehicles including trucks, tanks, boats, and helicopters.

* Explore a living, dynamic world where earthquakes, breaking ice, landslides, and tornados pose an ever-present threat.

* 32-player multiplayer with real-time armor and weapons customization, plus an all-new multiplayer mode that combines player modification and tactical objectives.

* Emergent gameplay means that in-game actions affect future outcomes and give each player a unique experience.

* Highly robust and easy-to-use mod toolset allows players to create their own expansive levels for both multiplayer and single-player modes.

* The CryENGINE 2 engine delivers the most realistic environments, spectacular special effects, physics game engine, lighting system, and enemy Al.

File Type:Homeworld tactical icon
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Homeworld.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Sierra Entertainment, Inc.


In Homeworld, the inhabitants of a forsaken planet discovered an ancient tablet that revealed their true origins and launched them on a perilous voyage to their ancestral home, the far-distant world of Hiigara. After building a massive Mothership and taking aboard thousands of colonists they set forth with high hopes, little realizing the dangers that awaited in their journey across the galaxy.
After apocalyptic battles and grievous loss of life, they finally reached Hiigara, the homeworld of their forebears, and reclaimed their birthright.

There are some new features in the next version:

  • totally new 3D engine generates breathtaking graphics of deep space and amazingly detailed spacecraft;
  • streamlined interface lets players control the whole game with a few mouse clicks;
  • a stunning deep-space environment of giant asteroids, massive derelicts, gas clouds, and nebulae light years across;
  • all-new fleets, each with unique capabilities and spacecraft, for different styles of play;
  • multiplayer mode accommodates 6 players via LAN, network or internet connections.
File Type:Zelda Classic tile
Category:Game file
File Description:Game file used by Zelda Classic.
Open Programs:

Zelda Classic

Company / developer:
  Armaggedon Game

Zelda Classic

Zelda Classic is a tribute to the video game Nintendo's The Legend of Zelda. It has been developed into an exact replica of the NES version. Beyond that, Zelda Classic allows the development of new quests that can use either the traditional graphics or enhanced graphics, as well as new enemies, items, and challenges.

File Type:Command and Conquer 3 campaign save game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File format used by Command and Conquer 3 game.
Open Programs:

Command and Conquer 3

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Command & Conquer 3: Tiberium Wars is a real-time strategy video game developed and published by Electronic Arts for the Windows and Xbox 360 platforms, and the long-awaited sequel to the 1999 RTS title Command & Conquer: Tiberian Sun and its expansion pack Firestorm, by Westwood Studios. Tiberium Wars was released internationally in March 2007, featuring the introduction of a new third faction to the Tiberian series of the Command & Conquer games, and becoming the second C&C title in which players are able to upgrade their forces. It was announced at the Worldwide Developers Conference on June 11, 2007 that the game will also become available on Mac OS X.

A special release edition of 100,000 copies, called the Kane Edition, was also released.

File Type:The Lost Crown saved game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by The Lost Crown. Saved game file.
Open Programs:

The Lost Crown

Company / developer:
  Jonathan Boakes & Darkling Room

The Lost Crown

There is an ancient treasure, hidden out there in our haunted landscape...but, are you the one to find it? Others have tried, and failed...not though lack of effort and skill, but because someone, or something, has stopped them...dead.

Join Nigel Danvers & Lucy Reubans, treasure seekers and ghost hunters, on their adventure through the murky world of Saxton, England, as they seek answers from a mysterious world inhabited by the living, but haunted by the dead.

Be warned; not all lost treasures should be found. Beware the ancient guardians, who have guarded the last great Anglo-Saxon Crown for over a thousand years...they will be waiting for you.

File Type:Bioware Infinity game engine lookup table file
Category:Game file
File Description:The Infinity Engine is a computer game engine which allows the creation of isometric computer role-playing games. It was developed by BioWare for Battleground Infinity which later became the first installment of the Baldur's Gate series. BioWare used it again in the subsequent installments of the series, but also licensed the engine to Interplay's Black Isle Studios.
Open Programs:

Baldur's Gate

Company / developer:

Baldur's Gate

The popular Baldur's Gate series take place on Faerûn.
Baldur's Gate features revolutionary graphics using an isometric view, dynamic lighting, 3D height maps, and real-time light-sourcing and sprites moving through a pre-rendered world of 16-bit color objects and terrain on five CDs full of over 10,000 scrolling game screens.
Combat is real-time, with the option for pseudo turn-based control. Tapping the space bar freezes time, and while the game is frozen, you can plan out the actions of your party members.
Baldur's Gate features over 100 hours of gameplay in an immense game world depicted with vibrance and fluidity, featuring visually impressive special effects like dynamic full-color lighting effects, dynamic changes in character appearance, realistic day to night changes, rain, snow, fog, lightning, all occuring in real-time.

File Type:Lands of Lore archive
Category:Game file
File Description:File archive contains Legend of Lands of Lore files (maps, objects, sprites, sounds).
Open Programs:

Lands of Lore

Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.

Lands of Lore, another gem from Westwood, is a fantasy RPG which follows the same path that the AD&D giants (Eye of the Beholder, Pool of Radiance, etc.) took to glory. It delivers solid entertainment, with countless hours of fun and action. But let's move on to the actual plot of the game.

The Lands were once ruled by a race called the Ancients. They were all-powerful gods. The age they ruled over was known as the golden age, as the Drakoid chronicles tell us. During this time, the Ancients kept a steady peace. There was no want, and the people lived in harmony, as the Ancients provided for all. But the golden age would not last for long. A terrible war gripped the Lands, a war born of awesome power and evil wills. This was a war of dominance between the most powerful gods and would be known to history as the War of the Heretics. No higher beings survived the war; the Ancients succumbed. This left the people unattended, and they began reverting to a more primitive state. Without a strong hand to guide them, they began to act according to their base instincts. This was a dark period for the Lands, during which much knowledge was lost. The history of the Ancients soon became a myth and their reign a legend. However, nature took its course, and the people began to regain some of their lost knowledge. This was the time of the great travelers, but exploration meant racial wars. Uprisings began to spread across the Lands, plunging them into chaos. Many cultures were annihilated during this period, which lasted for nearly a millennium. Ultimately acceptance and tolerance between the four dominant races led to peace and the formation of the White Alliance. However, during the wars, magic had been set loose: magic unhealthy and nefarious. Soon this malicious magic found a home within the Dark One, leader of the dark army, and a terrible union of chaos and destruction was forged.

Now the dark armies have gathered to attack Gladstone, a center for education and magic in the Lands, which has been staunchly defended by the White Alliance for three generations. Rumors speak of a dark power, which the seer Draracle has predicted will destroy Gladstone and the White Alliance.

An emissary arrives at the Keep. He informs King Richard, ruler over Gladstone, that Scotia (an evil old hag) has found the Nether Mask. Richard is very disturbed by the news and is bent on destroying Scotia. Meanwhile, Scotia has also dug up a magical ring enabling her to transform into any shape she chooses. Now more powerful than ever, she vows to make Richard pay.

After this short intro movie, the game prompts you to choose a champion to defend Gladstone and serve the king. You can choose between a magician, a fighter, and an assassin, or play as a warrior who is a mix of them all. Once you have selected your character, King Richard orders you to come to the throne room. After wandering beside the castle walls for a while, you find His Majesty and receive your orders: you must retrieve the Ruby of Truth from Roland’s estate in the South Lands.

Now your quest really begins.

During the game, you will team up with different characters in your quest to kill Scotia. Gameplay is mouse-based, which really makes the interface easy to use. The game’s graphics are characteristic of Westwood - hand-drawn and very beautiful. It is clear that when the team set out to make another RPG (after Eye Of The Beholder), they were aiming to create a masterpiece. The game has speech and sound effects included. King Richard is voiced by Patrick Stewart, who is simply marvelous. The rating of 5 needs no further justification.

File Type:Piles'O'Tiles information file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by Piles'O'Tiles computer game. Information file.
Open Programs:

Piles'O'Tiles Mahjongg

Company / developer:

Piles'O'Tiles For Macintosh, Windows PC and Pocket PC is a fun and addictive mahjongg game. The game has many new additions to the traditional mahjongg game, including different board layouts, customizable tilesets, and competitive scoring between players. The game has tileset support for the visually impaired. With these new game additions, there are now more elements of play involved to completing a round. The screenshot on the left is from the PocketPC version of the game.

File Type:Crysis game file
Category:Game file
File Description:File extension is used by computer game Crysis.
Open Programs:


Company / developer:
  Electronic Arts Inc.


Earth, 2019.

A team of US scientists makes a frightening discovery on an island in the South China Sea. All contact with the team is lost when the North Korean Government quickly seals off the area.

The US responds by dispatching an elite team of Delta Force Operators to recon the situation. As tension rises between the two nations, a massive alien ship reveals itself in the middle of the island. The ship generates an immense force sphere that freezes a vast portion of the island and drastically alters the global weather system.

Now the US and North Korea must join forces to battle the alien menace. With hope rapidly fading, you must fight epic battles through tropical jungle, frozen landscapes, and finally into the heart of the alien ship itself for the ultimate Zero G showdown.

From the makers of Far Cry, Crysis offers FPS fans the best-looking, most highly-evolving gameplay, requiring the player to use adaptive tactics and total customization of weapons and armor to survive in dynamic, hostile environments including Zero-G.


* A unique three-act structure forces the player to use real-time armor and weapons customization to adapt constantly to an ever-changing world.

* Encounter a frightening and totally original alien species?they use their senses intelligently and work together to present the most challenging enemy yet in an FPS.

* Control of a variety of land, sea, and air vehicles including trucks, tanks, boats, and helicopters.

* Explore a living, dynamic world where earthquakes, breaking ice, landslides, and tornados pose an ever-present threat.

* 32-player multiplayer with real-time armor and weapons customization, plus an all-new multiplayer mode that combines player modification and tactical objectives.

* Emergent gameplay means that in-game actions affect future outcomes and give each player a unique experience.

* Highly robust and easy-to-use mod toolset allows players to create their own expansive levels for both multiplayer and single-player modes.

* The CryENGINE 2 engine delivers the most realistic environments, spectacular special effects, physics game engine, lighting system, and enemy Al.

File Type:World of Warcraft add-on information file
Category:Game file
File Description:The TOC format for files defines information about each addon installed, as well as specify which .xml and/or .lua files need to be loaded. It is currently required for an addon to be recognized, show up in the addons list and be loaded. The TOC filename must match the folder name in order for it to be recognized by WoW; however, any other files can be named whatever you want as long as they have the proper extension and are listed in the TOC or in an XML file inside "Script" or "Include" tags.
Open Programs:

World of Warcraft

Company / developer:
  Blizzard Entertainment

World of Warcraft (WoW)

Four years have passed since the aftermath of Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, and a great tension now smolders throughout the ravaged world of Azeroth. As the battle-worn races begin to rebuild their shattered kingdoms, new threats, both ancient and ominous, arise to plague the world once again. Alliance box

World of Warcraft (WoW) is an online role-playing experience set in the award-winning Warcraft universe. Players assume the roles of Warcraft heroes as they explore, adventure, and quest across a vast world. World of Warcraft (WoW) is a "Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game" which allows thousands of players to interact within the same world. Whether adventuring together or fighting against each other in epic battles, players will form friendships, forge alliances, and compete with enemies for power and glory.

Download Now: Windows Error Repair Tool

**SmartPCFixer will repair Windows Error and registry data errors on your PC